Freitag, 15. April 2016

Review: Slave of Rome: Episode 1: Timeslip

Slave of Rome: Episode 1: Timeslip Slave of Rome: Episode 1: Timeslip by Aiden Darke
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

literal porn

The problems with short is often that they cannot satisfy readers fully, just as a novella or full book can. This is definitely the case of Slave of Rome, but unfortunately it's not the only thing this short fails to deliver.

INHO the book lacks originality, as it helps itself by mimicking the same act of time transportation as "Outlander" does. I'm not saying that the author did this on purpose, but since he had to take the time in a short to write about how Julia ends up in Rome, I would have loved a different explanation.
I would have accepted this however, if the author would have stayed true to the time travel with Julia ending up being found and brought to a slave market, but instead she ends up replacing or in the body of a newly enslaved girl with the same name. I prefer logic over coincidence. It would made everything so much more believable.

sorry, not sorry

That being said, we finally are in Rome of the old times and Julia instantly learns where her place is through being punished. And eventually there comes an erotic scene and a sex scene.
The latter is the reason why I tagged this as "male-audience" and "literal porn". The way both scenes are described and executed are - in my eyes - more appealing to a male reader as a female reader. I don't say that women aren't aroused by humiliation, but I dare say few like to be thrown into that kind of action without a build up.
Long story short: Slave of Rome is set up like a nice little porn video.
Thing is: most porn films leave me absolute cold. As did this book. Technically there is nothing wrong with this short, but it didn't deliver. And since I didn't like it I can't give this 3 stars, hence 2.5.

2.5 stars

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