Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015

EroticaAfterDark (Lilith)'s Reviews > Dominated ★✯☆☆☆☆


This book started off extremely interesting, that much that the crude formatting didn't really bother me. I guess I was so excited about a book reminding me of one of my favorites The Beast And Me, which also was written in diary style.
But before I even reached the middle of the story, the repetitive writing style, and the horrific formatting started to annoy me. And everything that was somewhat arousing turned into annoyance.
It was obvious that the author tried to describe the nervousness and uncertainty one experiences facing their first bdsm-date, however, it ended up displaying the character as scared and wanting to bail.
As the day finally arrived I was utterly disappointed, because all the promises (sex toys put out and described) mostly didn't come to fruition.

This is a freebie, but unfortunately not worth your time! 3 stars for the first 47%, 0 stars for the second half: 1.5 stars.

1.5 star rating


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